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Cough Cough: Stick Out Your Sick Leave Policies and Say “Ahhh”

Cough Cough: Stick Out Your Sick Leave Policies and Say “Ahhh”

No one likes to think about getting sick. Working with a cold, or even the flu, can be an unpleasant reality when deadlines are looming and the work must be done. Yet from an HR perspective, having solid sick leave policies can be crucial to maintaining business-as-usual during that pesky cold and flu season. To maintain a healthy workplace, it is important to understand the law behind sick leave policies, when an employee should obtain a doctor’s note, and how employers can help improve the process.

Ideal Waste of Time: Social Media and its Seismic Shift in the Workplace

Ideal Waste of Time: Social Media and its Seismic Shift in the Workplace

Employees use social media at work. It is not uncommon for most employees to have a cell phone at their desk that flashes with the occasional instant message, or a quick glance at one’s Facebook page after sending an e-mail. For the most part, this is harmless conduct, except for some small amounts of wasted time. But what about when social media usage at work is not so innocent?

Going Under the Microscope: The Importance of Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

Going Under the Microscope: The Importance of Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

Your business is in trouble. You have uncovered a problem (e.g. ethics violations, harassment, discrimination, breach of conduct , etc) which may have started small, but you realize that it goes well beyond your scope of expertise. You need a resolution, but are unsure of where to start, and need an expert consultation to properly determine the root of the problem and where the solution begins. In other words, you need a workplace investigation.

Closing the New Gender Gap: Assessing Issues of Gender Identity in the Workplace

Closing the New Gender Gap: Assessing Issues of Gender Identity in the Workplace

Last fall, a 10-year-old Vancouver girl and her family made headlines for her fight to get her birth certificate amended. It was not for any name or address change though; Harriette Cunningham has transitioned from a boy to a girl and wants her government-issued paperwork to reflect this. Other stories have come forward of individuals fighting government bureaucracy to have their passport sex changed, or other amendments that reflect their changed gender identity.

Think Before You Ink: Tattoos, Piercings, and Why They’re a Hot Topic in the Workplace

Think Before You Ink: Tattoos, Piercings, and Why They’re a Hot Topic in the Workplace

endra Behringer must have a difficult time at airport security. The Edmonton woman has 22 piercings above her neck – including 7 facial piercings and 15 earrings. Ms. Behringer says she gets a lot of dirty looks, and undoubtedly a few quizzical ones. But some of the most bothersome ones have come from employers. Behringer told the Edmonton Journal recently that one retail manager “didn’t even look at my resume, he just looked at my face” and promptly threw out her resume right in front of her.

Who Says You Can’t Go Home? LeBron James’ Epic Return to Cleveland

Who Says You Can’t Go Home? LeBron James’ Epic Return to Cleveland

LeBron James’ announcement last week that he was going home to rejoin the Cleveland Cavaliers instantly became a moment in sports history. It was only four years ago that ‘King’ James, the NBA superstar and Akron, Ohio native, disappointed his hometown when he announced he was “taking (his) talents to South Beach” to play for the Miami Heat. Yet his announced return has been a boon to both his hometown and the league, which raises an interesting question: when is it acceptable for an employee to return back to their old workplace?

Olympic Inspirations

Olympic Inspirations

What an incredible Olympic games it has been for team Canada who brought home a total of 25 medals. Setting records and making history, these Canadian athletes truly made all of Canada proud.All these great moments are what make the Olympics so special and electrifying to watch. More importantly, these athletes are great role models that many people and organizations can learn from. Here are the top 3 valuable lessons learned from Olympic athletes that you should implement in your organization.

The Changing Landscape of Harassment in the Workplace

The Changing Landscape of Harassment in the Workplace

One of the most significant workplace changes in recent years is the trend towards harassment related complaints. This difficulty of dealing with harassment complaints coupled with the expanded legislation has resulted in a minefield for both Payroll and Human Resource Professionals. Canadian courts and tribunals have awarded employees who have been victims of workplace harassment and bullying anywhere from $20,000 to $950,000 dollars in damages.

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