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HR Projects

As a Human Resources consulting firm that has been in business for over 15 years, we have helped clients in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and across the country with a multitude of specific HR focused projects. We offer our expertise in planning, management and execution to companies in need of external assistance on the projects listed below.

Click on the HR Project offerings below to learn more:

It is beneficial for a company to be knowledgeable about what their high, medium and low HR needs are. Once identified this allows leadership to strategically plan for, budget, communicate and implement in a measured way. This process also allows you to decide what you can do internally vs. what requires external assistance and allows you to then prioritize appropriately.


  • Initial review all current company policies, practices, materials and hold Zoom interviews with key stakeholders
  • Meeting to share findings and discuss next steps
  • Online Survey Monkey included

It is crucial for a company to be consistent and legislatively compliant in terms of policies and procedures. Having a policy manual or handbook allows managers to provide more equitable treatment to employees as well as during the ongoing performance review process. It also allows employees to know their rights and what is expected of them. Up-to-date handbooks and policies can also help mitigate risks within your organization.


  • Review existing policies and practices
  • Identify key policies that are missing/updated
  • Make recommendations
  • Implement revisions
  • Communication presentation

It is crucial for companies to focus on attracting and retaining the best qualified people for each position; to ensure that the salary ranges are competitive in the marketplace; and, to support the Company’s belief that remuneration is linked to performance.


  • Review employee’s three-year compensation history
  • Review market value of the position
  • Review compensation methodology for the position
  • Clarify the targeted total compensation for upcoming year and discuss any salary adjustments
  • Discuss the employee’s three-year compensation opportunity
  • Plan for bonus program that is not discretionary

The benefit of a successful Engagement Strategy helps create a community in the workplace and not just a workforce.  This means employees will have a clear line of sight to the organization’s strategy, be willing to participate in two way communication around their role and the organization, create great job satisfaction and feel valued and appreciated.  All of these items create happier employees willing to actively contribute to the business.


  • Conduct survey
  • Provide raw data and bench marking
  • Compile and present recommendations
  • Create Engagement Strategy
  • Validate with Sponsor and roll-out

This necessary process allows employees to know what is expected of them in their jobs and allows the employer to leverage the key strengths of their people while also identifying key development areas. It will also ensure that there is open two-way communication that is frequent and structured which helps to reduce liability if you are dealing with ongoing performance challenges. In general, it is just a good business practice to integrate into a company’s culture.


  • Develop a Performance Management Policy and Process and Cycle
  • Develop a customized template to be used for Performance Management
  • Identify Objectives (key expectations) and Standards of Performance (key measurements) for select positions within the company or a competency based program with Development Action Plans for your people
  • Communication presentation to employees

It is important, especially if a formal complaint or law suit has been made, for a company to do their due diligence. Every effort must be made to ensure that a just and impartial process is given to all parties involved and that the company has done everything in their power to eliminate the risk of a similar event recurring. Having an external party do the investigation helps ensure that the investigation is impartial, fact-based and formally documented should legal ramifications occur.


  • Conduct a full Investigation (including on-site interviews)
  • Prepare an Investigation Report
  • Host a conference call or meeting to share findings with Leadership group and any advise on next steps

An effective onboarding strategy lets new employees know that the company is excited for them to begin. The onboarding process is one of the most critical parts of the employee experience as it sets the tone for expectations throughout their time with an organization.


  • Conduct a needs assessment
  • Hold interviews and focus groups
  • Create report and present findings
  • Provide recommendations for implementation

It is key to ensure your employee management operations are consistent, compliant and that you are focused on mitigating risk. Our team will check and review all employee files and communication channels to ensure that managers have documentation to support their employment decisions.


  • Review employee files
  • Review bulletin boards
  • Review employment agreements
  • Review OHS requirements
  • Provide an analysis and recommendations based on findings

Succession planning is an important process for identifying and developing new leaders who can replace leaders who may leave your business over time. This process increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles once they become available.


  • Review all roles
  • Identify critical business functions
  • Develop contingency planning
  • Identify Talent
  • Develop and present future succession planning for career development

When enacting major company changes such as the adoption/implementation of new technology, processes or leadership that affect your organizational structure it can be crucial to engage external help to assist in the planning, communication and roll out to ensure a smooth transition.

We are closely affiliated with Rodney Employment Law, a highly experienced law firm with extensive experience dealing with all types of workplace issues. We provide legal solutions from a business perspective while recognizing there is a clear ‘people-side’ to what we do. With our understanding of both employer and employee relationships, we offer a unique insight leading to optimal results.


  • Human Rights & Accommodation
  • Constructive Dismissal Claims
  • Wrongful Dismissal Claims
  • Litigation
  • Compliance Issues

Build out your HR Infrastructure one template at a time! We have a suite of well written, high quality documents to help you manage all situations in an employee lifecycle. We can provide templates for crucial areas such as:

  • HR Policies and Procedures
  • Managing Performance
  • Compliance

Fill out the form below or give us a call at 1.888.709.1236 for more details and pricing

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