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The 10 Step Guide on Email Etiquette

The 10 Step Guide on Email Etiquette

The 10 Step Guide on Email Etiquette

By Jordan Rodney | Published in The VOICE >>

Use this 10 step workplace email etiquette guide to keep your correspondence succinct and organized.

  1. Be Professional – Address others you don’t know as Mr., Mrs., etc., until they offer their first name. Be polite – remember please and thank-you. Avoid abbreviations, jargon and emoticons (smiley faces). Don’t use all caps as it is difficult to read and may be misinterpreted.
  2. Be Concise – Get to the point without leaving out important information. Follow the KISS rule (keep it short and sweet). Avoid sending too many attachments.
  3. Answer All Questions – Be thorough in answering all of the questions in your reply to avoid follow up emails. When responding to an email with multiple questions, try typing your response in a different colour font next to the question.
  4. Check Spelling and Grammar – Before you hit send, review your email for correct spelling and grammar. An email filled with errors is difficult to read and makes the reader question your credibility. Check your email tools to ensure spell check is enabled.
  5. Beware of Your Tone – It is difficult to express tone when writing emails. Wait several hours before responding to an emotional email. To avoid appearing curt or demanding when corresponding by email use the rules of formal letter writing.
  6. Reply to All – Use this feature sparingly. When responding to a mass email, decide if everyone really needs to receive your reply or just the sender as it will cut down on unnecessary emails.
  7. Be Patient – Many people send an email and expect an immediate response. It is unreasonable to expect others to regularly drop everything to respond to your emails. Depending on the situation, allow a reasonable amount of time to pass before following up.
  8. Organize – Saving every email creates clutter. Save only necessary emails and delete the rest from inbox, sent, and deleted message boxes.  This will free up much needed computer space.
  9. Stay Current – Make sure you have the most recent information when corresponding. Remember to keep your auto-reply message current if you are out of the office and unavailable.
  10. Wait Until the End to Fill in the “To Email Address” – This way, you can proof your email and avoid accidentally sending it before it’s completed.


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